sábado, fevereiro 17, 2007

Coisas que não se compreendem (5)

Segundo a Comissão Europeia, neste site oficial:

"Tobacco is the single largest cause of avoidable death in the European Union accounting for over half a million deaths each year and over a million deaths in Europe as a whole. It is estimated that 25% of all cancer deaths and 15% of all deaths in the Union could be attributed to smoking. In order to curb this epidemic, the European Community is actively developing a comprehensive tobacco control policy, which is characterised by a four-stage approach:

- legislative measures are the backbone of the Community's present and future tobacco control activities

- support for Europe-wide smoking prevention and cessation activities is another important element in the tobacco control strategy

- mainstreaming tobacco control into a range of other Community policies (e. g. agricultural policy, taxation policy, development policy) is essential in order to make sure that tobacco control principles are part of all relevant policies"

Segundo a Política Agrícola Comum no European Public Health Alliance:

"Through the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), the EU provides about 1 billion Euros per year (1% of the EU budget) to European farmers to grow tobacco, much of which is destined for cigarettes in the developing world.

In 2002, a reform of the CAP was adopted which establishes that from 2006 until 2010 there will be a phasing out of subsidies to tobacco growers. After 2010 there will be a disociation between crops and EU payments. However, tobacco growers will not be disqualified from subsidies if they continue growing tobacco."
